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There was a change in the room; the drone of conversation had stopped, leaving only the subdued roar of the rain. Then the Study clock slowly chimed the fourteen strokes of noon – or midnight. He was so tired, but this was the signal he must obey. He opened his eyes. He saw the woman. He remembered how the Examiner had let him handle her delicious body.
He saw her long bare back with the cascading hair dark upon it, her slim waist and broad heart-shaped bottom as she knelt before the naked man. Her left breast was pushed out sideways by his thigh … the man’s hanging fingers were stroking the standing nipple … she was sucking on him.
The sex began and there was no turning back. She’d experimented a little with Gareth, so this was not quite her first time.
She drank the early fluid that oozed deep into her mouth as he gently explored her breasts, her thighs, her buttocks and the folds between. She began to moan. Eventually, she pulled her lips away, sucking and licking the tip as another drop welled out. She ran it along her lips with her tongue as she fixed her grey eyes on his. ‘Now fuck me, John,’ she whispered.
She had released him. By the Disciple! He caught a fantastic glimpse of her as she turned, dropping onto her hands and knees, hair cascading forward, now hiding the tips of her magnificent tits as they brushed the carpet. The Examiner had seized her offered up buttocks and was lining up his long cock to take her from behind.
He spread her bottom wide and engaged the head against her inner lips. He held still for a moment as she squirmed and rolled to sit back on the tip of him.
Then he moved. She cried out as he began to penetrate her. The cry faded to a long moan of pleasure. She was tight but smoothly yielding as his shaft slid slowly in. He could feel the muscle mass of each buttock separating as he pushed in deeper.
He shimmied her bottom with his hands and she began rolling it around his shaft, allowing him to slip in even further. He felt gently under her lips and caressed the flesh that rose to his fingertips. She was moaning again as she finally filled to her limit.
Then he began his long deep strokes, grasping her buttocks, her waist, her big swinging breasts as they came to hand. Her head was way down as he rode her hard; she seemed to be watching his hanging sac slapping against her. On and on he went, until her moans became more urgent cries.
As she began her climax, she reached back and held him. He tried to hold back, but the howling, bucking woman milking him would not be denied. The first full ejaculation leapt from him. Her squirming, rolling buttocks began a faster motion, and every few seconds another spurt shot into her. She cried out as he kept thrusting deep, the semen finally overflowing, running down the inside of her legs.
They were still locked together when the Master joined them. In disbelief John saw him grasp and knead the glistening globes of Andromeda’s hanging breasts, slap and smack her buttocks.
‘My turn now Brother! Let me ride the bitch!’
Andromeda felt the extra hands on her body and began to scream. The Master recoiled; probably amazed he was no longer invisible to the woman.
John’s first impulse was to kill. Instead he grabbed the jewelled crown and planted it hard on the Master’s head.
The trees dropped away below, churning from the gale of lift-off.
‘John, I still don’t understand.’
‘What don’t you understand?’ Their voices were raised against the roar of the rotors. The roaring diminished somewhat as he transitioned to forward flight. He briefly glanced sideways to see her expression. ‘Why I gave him those jewels from the probe? It cannot erase the memory of something he saw when not wearing it – I had to buy his silence.’
‘No, I understand bribery and blackmail, but how are you going to explain the loss to Lord Sevolian?’
‘Those stones are there for many contingencies. I’m not just examining women, I find out a lot about the Master and his village.’
‘I see. So the Master has failed a test?’
‘No, not at all. I can see that he runs the village reasonably well. He’s not cruel, just greedy. The real test will be when I see how he spends his new-found wealth.’
She thought for a moment as the craft settled into cruising flight. ‘Will I be able to see you at the Castle?’
‘From time to time we should glimpse one another, but I have a heavy schedule of work. This may be the last time we are together in total privacy.’ He switched the autopilot to Command Mode, and after a quick glance around the panel he turned his full attention to her. ‘You can unbuckle now.’
He led her to the luxurious padded area behind the flight seats. It was much quieter back here. They could look out on the endless forest passing far below.
She kissed him as he opened her clothes and released her breasts into his hands. Soon the lovers were naked and he was slipping deep inside her body again.
When he was totally her master and she fully his mistress, she asked him, ‘Who are you, John?’
‘I am the Examiner.’
‘Yes I know, but you’re more than that.’
She will never disappoint me, he thought. ‘You are smart, Andromeda.’
‘By the Disciple! You! You’re Sevolian, aren’t you?’
He smiled.
The Lady and the Highwayman
by Charlotte Wickham
Lady Amelia Farley chuckled to herself, the sound of Lightning’s hooves thundering in her ears, as they got further and further away from the stifling confines of Farley Hall.
“I forbid you to ride that horse again, Amelia!” Her father’s voice had boomed at breakfast when he had found out that his daughter had disobeyed him again. “If you must ride, then I urge you to ride like the lady you are and go on a gentle trot on Lizzie or any other of the placid ponies which I’ve bought especially for you. It won’t do for anyone to see Lady Amelia Farley riding like a ruffian on a wild stallion. Think of your reputation, girl! You’ll never marry, if you insist on behaving in such an obscene manner.”
Lord Farley would much rather his elder daughter behaved like her younger sister, Arabella, and occupied her time with ladylike pursuits like embroidery, needlework and crochet, however, the thought of spending another minute pricking her thumbs and pacing the sitting room was enough to drive Amelia mad! She yearned for wide open spaces, the fresh country air and the freedom to do what she liked, when she liked. So, when she spotted her mother dozing in the conservatory, she escaped to the stables and, after checking that the stable hands weren’t around, she saddled up Lightning and rode as far away from Farley Hall as she possibly could!
When the news that she had once again behaved so improperly reached her parents’ ears, Amelia knew that her father would be furious and that her mother would be upset and disappointed, but Amelia was tired of being held captive in her own home, and although she knew that on her return home she would have to face the consequences of her actions, for now, she’d just take pleasure in the fact that she was her own woman, free to do what she liked for the next couple of hours.
“Isn’t this wonderful, Lightning?” Amelia stroked the horse’s neck and jumped off, leading the horse to the nearby lake. “Why would anyone want to spend their days locked in a stuffy room when they could be enjoying all this beauty?”
“Why indeed?” She heard a deep masculine voice mutter behind her.
Amelia stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening with fear. She hadn’t been expecting company – and she certainly hadn’t been expecting male company!
She took a deep breath and kept her back to him, hoping that her uninvited guest might take the hint and leave her alone. But, when she felt the cold circumference of a steel pistol against the back of her neck, Amelia let out a cry of pain.
“W-What do you want from me?” She trembled, her voice cracking with fear and panic. She could feel his hands running up and down her spine, his musky scent filling her nostrils. “Please don’t hurt me.”
She heard him chuckle from behind her, a deep, throaty chortle th
at made her knees shake. “You do as I say, Lady Farley, and nobody gets hurt.”
“Lady Farley? B-But how do you know my name?” Amelia asked her captor, trying not to flinch when she felt his hands caress her buttocks.
He spun her round to face him, penetrating blue eyes clashing deviously with hers. “I know all there is to know about you and your family, Lady Farley.” He muttered, as he pulled her towards him, his shaft rubbing insistently against her belly while his strong hands cupped her buttocks and then proceeded to spank them lightly with glee. “I wouldn’t be much of a highwayman if I didn’t know that you were the elder daughter of the richest man in the county.”
“What is it that you want from me?” She asked him again, her eyes wide with fear and desire. She had always thought that highwaymen were ghastly creatures with long greasy hair and untidy whiskers, who wore patched clothes and muddy boots – she certainly never envisaged that they’d be tall, tawny-haired and as handsome as sin!
Amelia’s gaze slid down his face and took in his broad masculine shoulders, muscular chest and narrow waist, encased in a long black overcoat, a white shirt and skin-tight pantaloons which emphasized the strength of his huge thighs – and the size of his bulging erection!
“Like what you see, do you, Lady Farley?” he growled, his fingers caressing her spine. “I bet this is the first time in your life you’ve come this close to a real man.”
“Let me go!” Amelia insisted, even though every cell in her body seemed to be surrendering to his touch.
“I give the orders around here, my lady,” he mocked her, as he captured her lips with his own.
Amelia’s fingers curled into fists and pounded against his hard chest, but the highwayman wasn’t going to let his prey get away from him so easily!
His teeth bit down on her lower lip and her mouth dropped open in shock, allowing him to gain entrance and to swoop in and invade her mouth. His tongue sought out hers and he gently began to coax her and caress her in a cruel yet decadent game of passion where they both emerged victorious.
Amelia couldn’t believe that she had succumbed to this common man who would doubtlessly ruin her reputation! But as his lips began to slide down the smooth column of her throat and lick a trail of fire down her neck, she found herself unable to care about her reputation, her family or what anyone passing might say about her scandalous behaviour in broad daylight with a man she had never met, and instead prepared herself to succumb to her captor’s touch.
Amelia felt his strong hands cup her breasts and his fingers skimming her erect nipples through the fabric of her dress. She let out a small scream as he tore her bodice and got rid of the barrier of clothing between his hands and her breasts.
“You’ve got wonderful tits, my lady.” He exclaimed, his tongue curling round a rigid aureole and his teeth gently nibbling the tight bud.
Amelia’s back arched with absolute pleasure, her hands tearing away at the coat he was wearing. She wanted to see her highwayman naked. She wanted to feast her eyes on the perfect body hidden between the folds of his clothing and touch him and caress him in the same delicious way.
His lips still clamped on her nipples, he got rid of his coat and shirt, and Amelia’s mouth dried up as she saw his powerful torso inches away from her face. With shaking hands, she caressed his shoulders and slid her hand down his strong back.
“That feels so good, sweetheart,” he growled, when her hands couldn’t resist stroking his tight backside. “Feel what you’re doing to me, Lady Farley,” he cried, grabbing her hand and putting her fist onto his bulging erection.
Amelia’s eyes widened with amazement as she felt his cock pulsating between her fingers. She couldn’t believe that she was the reason for his ardent arousal. The men she usually came into contact with had made it quite clear that the only thing they had found desirable about her was her fortune; she couldn’t countenance the fact that a complete stranger could be driven to such lengths of ecstasy by the sight of her naked breasts!
Her fingers impatient to feel him, she undid the buttons of his pantaloons and reached for his erection, her eyes unable to believe just how big he was! When her fingers curled around his cock and began to slide up and down the length of his impressive shaft, Amelia could hear him moaning with pleasure. She took him into her mouth, her tongue licking the head and swooping over the eye and down the underside. She could hear his breathing growing shallower, his cries of passion escalating and his need for her expanding with every lick of her tongue.
“I need to come inside you!” he yelled, as he pulled her up and tore at her dress. Seeing her naked pussy glistening with moistness in front of him only served to make him harder. As his tongue traced the outline of her labia majora and began to lap up the liquid shimmering on her pussy, his lips sought out her clitoris and began to suck it impatiently.
He could feel her hands tugging at his hair and pushing his face deeper and deeper into her womanhood. When he felt that he would explode if he didn’t fuck her, he replaced his mouth with his cock and he thrust into her, pounding harder and harder inside her until she screamed when she reached an earth-shattering climax.
Seeing her face contorting with absolute pleasure made him even harder than he was already, so he thrust deeper and deeper inside of her; sliding his rod in and out of her pussy and increasing his strokes with every push, until he felt his thick, creamy seed spilling inside her pussy.
“I certainly got more than I bargained for,” he whispered, still lying inside her as his hands stroked her breasts.
“You never said what you wanted from me,” Amelia said, snaking her legs around his waist, keeping him captive inside her. “I still cannot imagine what you could possibly have taken from me. I’ve got no money or jewellery; it’s just me and Lightning.”
Her highwayman smiled. “Ah, my lady, but that horse is worth its weight in gold. Had I managed to abscond with him, I’d have ended up a very rich man.”
Amelia chuckled, as she pushed herself up on her elbows and placed a tender kiss on his lips.
Her highwayman was just about to deepen their kiss, when suddenly the sound of a horse’s hooves pounding through the air echoed through the woods. Aware that if he was caught with a naked Amelia he would be hanged, he gathered his clothes, and pulling her once more towards him, kissed her tenderly and said, “I’m sorry about this, my lady. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I hope that we will meet again.”
And he disappeared into the distance, leaving a shocked Amelia clutching her torn dress to her naked body, yearning to feel his touch upon hers once more.
A month had passed since that fateful day and she still hadn’t managed to forget her passionate encounter with her tawny-haired adventurer.
She had spent night after night tossing and turning in her bed, remembering his naked body and yearning to feel his skin under her fingertips, his lips on hers and his tongue arousing every single nerve in her body. Every night, she would wonder what he was doing and whether he remembered her with the same frequency which she remembered him.
Luckily, her parents had believed the story she had told them when one of the stable boys had found her naked, clutching her tattered garments and weeping with the loss of her lover, whom she doubted she would ever see again.
“I told you not to be so foolish!” Her father had screamed at her, unaware of the true reason behind his daughter’s tears. “Now, look what has happened. You were lucky, my girl, that you weren’t raped and left for dead!”
But Amelia didn’t see much point in carrying on; not if it meant that she would spend the rest of her life yearning for the one man she knew she could never have.
“Now, do look sharp, my dear,” her mother’s whining voice interrupted her thoughts. “Who knows, maybe at Lady Merrick’s ball you’ll finally meet a gentleman who will whisk you off your feet!”
Amelia smiled weakly, knowing full well that she would be spending the evening chatting away to decrepit old dowagers and listening
to avaricious younger sons making empty promises to her in order to get their hands on her fortune.
When Amelia and her mother entered the ballroom, they were greeted by Lady Merrick, who seemed to be particularly excited about something.
“Oh, you’ve come finally!” She exclaimed, her ample bosom heaving with excitement. “Amelia, my darling, I’d like you to meet my nephew, Tristan Maddox. He’s just come down from Cambridge and he can’t wait to meet you.”
Amelia pasted onto her face a welcoming smile, but when she turned round and spotted Tristan Maddox, her mouth dropped open and her jaw hit the floor.
It was her highwayman! With his tawny curls tamed and wearing the season’s fashions, he looked like any other respectable gentleman of good breeding!
“Lady Farley,” his voice sent shivers of pleasure racing up and down her spine. “I’ve been so looking forward to meeting you. Something tells me that the two of us will be great friends.”
And he kissed the back of her hand, his tongue running over her knuckles; a deliciously sensual prelude to all the delights he had in store for her in the future.
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