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The Accidental Adoption Page 4

  Sighing frustratedly, she put her glass down on the coffee table and swiped at the water on her dressing gown with her sleeve. “Shit. I’m sorry, Sawyer. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m just… having trouble adjusting to all of this. Of course I’ll find you something to wear. I’m not entirely sure how suitable it will be—you’re much bigger than me—but it’ll be enough to get you home without being arrested for public indecency.” She gave a small smile. “I bet you’ll be glad to get into your own clothes after a month, won’t you?”

  Sawyer, whose expression had gone from wary, to startled and now to warm and smiley, nodded. “Yes. But even more importantly, I’ll be glad to get into a bloody shower. I know dogs groom, but it’s not a patch on a nice, long, hot shower!”

  Ooh, a nice, long, hot shower. And just like that, boom, her mind was in the gutter again. Yep, time to get this man out of her house before she said something she’d regret. She jumped up. “Right! Follow me—let’s find you some clothes.”

  They headed up the stairs, and Sawyer hovered awkwardly in the doorway of her bedroom as she located the only things she thought had a hope of fitting him—the large T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms she wore when she was doing DIY. She liberated them from the bottom drawer of her dresser and walked over to the door, holding out the paint-spattered garments. “Sorry about the state of them. I wear them for decorating and stuff.”

  Sawyer smiled and took them from her. “No problem. Better to wander the streets looking like a painter and decorator than a toga fetishist. Thank you.”

  She chuckled. “Bathroom is just there.” She pointed. “I’ll, uh, meet you downstairs in a few.”

  “Okay. Thanks. I’ll put the sheet back in the laundry basket.”

  I thought as much. With a nod, Rosie turned and went back downstairs. She’d have that coffee now. Perhaps a boost of caffeine would kick her gray matter into gear.

  She was just pouring water into the mug when she heard Sawyer’s tread on the stairs. She put the kettle down and turned, just as he strode into the room. “Hi. That better?”

  Sawyer looked down, and tugged at the hem of the T-shirt. “Yes, but they’re not exactly my size.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I’m sure I look a sight!”

  Rosie smiled. “You want a coffee before you go?” Fuck—what did you say that for? You want him gone, and now you’re giving him an excuse to stay!

  Thankfully, he shook his head again. “No, thanks. I need to get home. The shower—and some clothes that fit—call. Not to mention all the practicalities of not having been home in a month. And God I need a shave.” He rubbed his fingertips against his beard. “But…” He dropped his gaze to the floor and ran a hand through his hair. “Is it all right if I come back later? Lunchtime, maybe? I think we should, uh, talk. Don’t you?”

  “Yes, okay. I’m sure I’ll have more questions for you once my brain has had chance to process everything.”

  He opened and closed his mouth, then nodded. “See you later, then.”

  “See you later.”

  It was only after the door clicked shut behind him that she remembered he wasn’t wearing any shoes.

  She watched him pass the kitchen window and then disappear from view, half expecting him to come back. He didn’t—probably having come to the conclusion that any of her shoes would be even less likely to fit him than her clothes—and her gaze lit on the hook beside the door. It held Scruffy’s collar and lead. Above that, she’d hung the I Love My Dog sign she’d bought from the shelter.

  Suddenly, the ramifications of what had happened hit her. A lump appeared in her throat, and tears filled her eyes.


  When the doorbell for the front door chimed, Rosie was ready for it. Since Sawyer had left, she’d pulled herself together, showered and dressed, then gathered up every single dog-related item and stuffed them right in the back of her broom cupboard. She knew she’d have to deal with it all properly at some point, but now wasn’t the time. It still hurt too much—she’d gone from a delighted dog owner rapidly bonding with her lovely new pet, right back to square one. She may not have had him for long, but she already missed Scruffy so acutely that she had a permanent ache in her chest that she knew only time would heal. Time, and distractions.

  Despite his involvement in the whole debacle, Sawyer still counted as a distraction.

  She walked along the hallway and paused in front of the door, took a deep breath to try to calm her racing heart, then opened it. Unsurprisingly, Sawyer stood there, a tentative smile on his handsome face. A cleaner, tidier, and better-dressed Sawyer, who was holding out a cute potted plant and a box of chocolates. And the plant wasn’t the only thing that was cute. He looked even more attractive without the scruffy beard. Damn.

  Raising her eyebrows, she took the items from him and said cautiously, “Thank you… but what are these for?” She stepped back. “Come on in.”

  “Thanks.” He walked in, then waited as she closed the door, but didn’t respond to the query about the plant and chocolates.

  Rosie gestured towards the living room. “Go and sit down. Do you want anything to drink? To eat?”

  Sawyer took off his shoes, then did as he was told and headed for the sofa. “Nothing to eat, thanks, but a coffee would be great, if it’s not too much trouble.”

  Since he couldn’t see her, she allowed a smile to play over her lips. He clearly knew how much anguish he’d caused her, and was trying hard to make up for it. Hence the over-politeness, and the gifts. Sweet. “No trouble at all. I’m having one, too. Milk and sugar?” She passed him by as he sat down and settled in.

  “Milk and one sugar, please.”

  “Coming right up.”

  A few minutes later the two of them were perched at either end of the sofa, with the now-opened box of chocolates sitting between them.

  “So…” Rosie prompted when the silence became too much. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  Sawyer fidgeted with his coffee cup for a moment, before blowing out a heavy breath and meeting her eyes. “Just… what happened, I guess. I know we discussed all the ins and outs, but I want to say that I’m really sorry you got caught up in my drama. It’s been such a hassle for you, and so traumatic—I feel terrible.”

  “Which explains the plant and the chocolates,” she replied with a small smile. “But really, there was no need. It’s not like you did any of it on purpose.”

  He squinted a little, as though in pain, then said, “That’s not strictly true.”

  Rosie frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Obviously the getting caught part wasn’t on purpose—that was literally the worst thing that has ever happened to me. But I admit I did make a huge fuss when I saw you come into the shelter.” He gave a wry grin. “I was desperate to get out of that place, and you seemed like the perfect candidate to help me do that. So I—Scruffy—deliberately laid on the charm. I wanted to win you over so you’d take me home, so I could then escape when the time was right. Sorry.”

  Rosie started to say something, then thought better of it. She took a gulp of her coffee to give her a moment to ponder his words. She shrugged. “You know what—it’s okay. I understand. It wasn’t done maliciously—you were just trying to survive, for want of a better word. Clearly your life was never in any danger, thank God. I’d say it’s just one of those things, but I’m not sure that applies when you discover supernatural creatures are real and that you just adopted one!”

  Their eyes met and held for a moment, then they both burst into laughter.

  When their mirth eventually died down, Sawyer said, “I can’t believe how understanding you’re being about this.”

  “Hey—I had a moment while you were gone, trust me. But once I let it all out, I felt better. No point flying off the handle, is there? What happened was… unusual, to say the least, and I’m truly gutted I no longer have that gorgeous dog I brought home yesterday. But on a positive note, you’re not stuck in a rescue center anymore, either! I suppose you could say I rescued you in more ways than one.”

  “You certainly did.” His smile was wide this time. “Thank you again.” He dropped his gaze to his mug, then looked up at her through his lashes. A little color stained his cheeks. “I have to say, though, I might be sorry you got caught up in this dreadful situation, but I’m not sorry that we met.”

  Chapter Seven

  Rosie blushed too, and they took simultaneous sips of their coffee to try to fill the silence. After a few seconds—which felt like minutes—she amazed herself with her bravery by saying, “I’m not sorry that we met, either.”

  “You’re not?” Sawyer replied incredulously, his face lighting up. “Wow. I thought you’d be ruing the day!”

  Laughing, Rosie shook her head. “Not at all. Like I said before, I’m sad in some ways, very sad, but nobody died—and I can’t say that meeting an attractive, single man is a negative point.”

  Sawyer quirked an eyebrow. “You know… I hope this doesn’t come across as arrogant, but I can’t help noticing that’s not the first time you’ve called me attractive.”

  “And?” She lifted both her eyebrows. Despite the nonchalant tone she’d adopted, heat crept into her cheeks once more and her palms grew clammy around her mug. This was straying into flirtation territory.

  “Well… might I hope that your feelings for me aren’t familial, either?”

  Rosie drank some more of her coffee, then placed the mug down on the table and took a chocolate from the box. Just before popping it into her mouth, she said, “You make it sound very formal, Sawyer.” She savored the chocolate as she awaited his reply.

  “Sorry. It’s just I’m finding this all quite awkward and embarrassing. I’m not good at chatting up women.”

  Snickering, she replied, “Oh, is that what you’re doing?” Knowing that Sawyer found their conversation awkward and embarrassing made her own discomfort easier to bear.

  He dropped his head into his free hand and groaned. “Yes. And apparently I’m doing a horrendous job of it.”

  “Yes, you are. But it’s actually pretty adorable.”

  “It is?” He raised his head and looked at her hopefully.

  “Yup. Smooth, slick men who spin cheesy lines don’t do a thing for me, I’m afraid. And I’m rubbish at this sort of thing, too, so it’s refreshing to meet someone with the same problem.”

  “Thanks. I think.” He grinned.

  “Have a chocolate.”

  “All right.” He considered the contents of the box, then snagged a square chocolate with a nut on the top and slipped it between those tempting lips of his. “Mmm...” He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the morsel.

  Rosie’s mouth went dry as she watched him eat it, unable to tear her gaze away. All of a sudden, it didn’t seem to matter whether they were in flirtation territory or not—her hormones were hurtling into let’s-have-sex-immediately territory without a thought for propriety. She supposed she should just be grateful Sawyer was fully clothed—if he’d still been clad in nothing but a bed sheet, who knew how her raging hormones would react?

  Sawyer chewed and swallowed with another contented moan—which zipped straight to her groin—then opened his eyes and immediately sought out hers. “Thank you, that was delicious.”

  Rosie frowned. “Don’t thank me, you bought them.”

  “Oh yeah.” He chuckled. Then, just as quickly as it had arrived, his amusement melted away. “Rosie?”


  “I’m sorry if this is horribly inappropriate, but do you mind if I kiss you?”

  Mind? Why the hell would I mind? Are you nuts? Out loud, she said, “No. I don’t mind at all.”

  He put his coffee mug down on the table so quickly that she couldn’t help but smile. Sawyer was just as eager as she, it seemed.

  No sooner had she moved the box of chocolates than Sawyer had filled the newly-vacated spot on the sofa. He smiled, then hesitated—apparently having some kind of internal war. Either that or plucking up the courage.

  He soon achieved it, and Rosie’s heart pounded even faster when Sawyer shuffled closer still, then cupped her face in his large, warm hand. His lips parted slightly, as though he was about to say something, but he didn’t. Probably, like her, he figured there was nothing to say, really. They’d crossed an invisible line, gone from talking to doing, and she shivered with anticipation.

  Sawyer’s face went out of focus as he drew closer, so she shut her eyes and waited. His hand on her face twitched slightly, then his mouth brushed against hers. After a tentative moment, the brush became an insistent press, then his tongue tickled at the seam of her lips. She opened up willingly, looping her arms around his neck as their kiss deepened.

  And wow, what a kiss. For all his awkwardness, his self-confessed lack of finesse when it came to flirting, Sawyer most definitely knew what he was doing in this department. She relaxed as much as her fluttering heart and flipping stomach would allow and simply enjoyed the embrace.

  Soon, she didn’t even have to think about it—she just felt; experienced. Soft, warm lips, hot tongue, large hands on her face and around her waist, and overlong hair beneath her fingers as she played with the soft strands at his nape. She moved her other hand down, exploring his wide, muscular shoulders and back over his cotton T-shirt.

  After a while, it was clear they were both getting revved up as their kisses became rougher and more frantic. Rosie moaned into Sawyer’s mouth, sparking off a chain reaction. He responded with a growl, then shifted his hand from her waist to the center of her back and yanked her closer to him. She gave a squeak of surprise, then, quite spontaneously, threw one leg over both of his and settled into his lap—all without breaking their kiss.

  Immediately, she became aware of his erection. Very aware. She’d gotten a brief glimpse of his cock in her kitchen that morning, but feeling its hard heat beneath her bottom now was completely different. Then, it had been shocking, unbelievable. Now, it was arousing, and getting a much better look at it in the immediate future was highly likely.

  Suddenly, Sawyer broke the kiss with a harsh inhalation of breath. He looked at her, his eyes unfocussed for a moment, then blew the air back out of his lungs. After a brief pause, he said, “Well, I guess that answered my question.”

  Rosie frowned. “What question is that?”

  His expression turning from dazed to delighted, Sawyer replied, “About whether your feelings for me are familial. You may not have answered in words, but you sure answered in actions.”

  A small smile on her lips, Rosie asked, “So why have you stopped then?” Clearly her whizzing hormones were still making her brave, because she could barely believe how forward she was being.

  “Because that was getting a bit... intense and I don’t want to assume anything, or rush you into anything.”

  Rosie shrugged. “I’m a grown woman, Sawyer. If I want things to slow down or stop, I’ll say so. I’m grateful you’re so considerate, but you don’t need to wrap me in cotton wool.”

  “But it’s been such a weird couple of days...”

  “Yes. But not just for me. And you’ve had a traumatic month, never mind couple of days. Personally, I can’t think of a better way to forget all about it for a while.”

  “You don’t think it’s a bit... fast? We only met properly a few hours ago.”

  “It is fast, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Things between the two of us haven’t been conventional from the moment we met a month ago—so why should we be conventional now? We’re single, we’re sober, we like each other...” She shrugged again, hoping to cover up her eagerness, her need for him. She was outrageously horny, but she didn’t want him to think she was desperate. “I’m up for it if you are.”

  Sawyer chuckled. “Well, romantic it ain’t, but I can’t argue with your logic.” He reached out and cupped her buttocks, then stood, lifting her along with him.

  Rosie let out a squeal at the unexpected movement, then clasped her hands behind Sawyer’s neck and her legs around his hips and held on tight. He carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom, then deposited her on the bed before immediately crawling on top of her. He leaned in, his face so close to hers that his warm breath fanned over her lips. “You’re sure about this?”

  “Yes I’m sure. Now shut up. No more talking—please.” She wrapped her arms and legs around him once more and pulled him tightly against her. Following her lead, Sawyer closed the tiny gap between them and captured her lips with his.

  Humming with satisfaction, Rosie submitted willingly. Soon their kiss was as frenzied as the one they’d shared on the sofa; more so. Their lips and tongues clashed wildly as their hands explored and their hips jerked and rutted, eager to gain friction where they needed it most.

  Suddenly, Sawyer pulled away again and sat back on his haunches. Rosie let out a growl of frustration, which stopped abruptly when he whipped off his T-shirt and threw it onto the floor. Then she watched, open-mouthed, as he undid his belt and fly, before climbing off the bed and removing his jeans and socks. The material of his black boxer shorts was tented over his erection, and Rosie drank in the delicious—and utterly arousing—sight.

  Sawyer cleared his throat loudly, forcing her to look at his face. The smirk twisting his lips sent a burst of electricity rushing through her, and she became aware of just how wet she was. “Your turn.” He jerked his chin at her fully-clothed body.

  She smirked right back, though she suspected her expression didn’t portray the same confidence that Sawyer’s did. She had, after all, seen him naked before. But the opposite wasn’t true.

  Harnessing the bravery she’d felt earlier, she did as he said. But there was no teasing, no finesse—just a straightforward removal of clothes, which she left in a pile beside the bed before settling back onto the duvet and resisting the temptation to cover herself up.

  It didn’t seem to bother Sawyer. He sucked in a breath as he looked at her naked form, then reached down to push his hand against his cock, which appeared about to burst from his underwear. “You are so beautiful.”